The module for accounting the operating hours of equipment
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Motor-H run hours module collects data on the number of hours worked by the technological equipment from the PCS, e.g. Syfora control system, and sends them to the ERP top level systems (SAP, ТОиР), as well as information on the events related to the equipment. Usually, these are emergency events, equipment failures. The upper level system keeps records of operating hours, and when a certain number of hours is reached, the task for inspection and maintenance of the equipment is automatically created. If the Motor-H module receives a notification of an emergency event, a similar out-of-routine maintenance task is created.
Thus, the reaction to emergency events is accelerated and the downtime of equipment waiting for repair is reduced. Running hours accounting makes the maintenance process more efficient — allowing you to accurately calculate the operating limits between maintenance outages. Preventive maintenance is always more effective than repair!